Evergreen 3 is comprised of dedicated Christians whose desire is to serve Jesus Christ through the ministry of music. They specialize in Southern Gospel music, and blend timeless hymns of old with some of the newest songs written today. Woven throughout the songs are Bible verses, personal testimonies, and inspirational stories that enhance the message of the music. Although Evergreen 3 hopes that you are thoroughly entertained by their performance, their purpose is not so much to entertain as it is to encourage Christians in their spiritual walk and to introduce unbelievers to Christ.

Brian Welk
Lead / Tenor
Brian is married to Cindy Welk. As stated in Cindy’s bio, they have two married children, 5 grandbabies. Brian owns his own construction company, B.W. Construction, Inc. He is a licensed General Contractor who specializes in remodels and additions. He has owned his own business for the last 25 years and works primarily in King and Snohomish County. Brian is an avid outdoorsman and loves to hunt and fish. Last year he had opportunity to elk hunt in Colorado and came home with a 4x5 bull elk. Brian grew up singing in his family quartet where he sang bass. He has previously sung in Crossroads Quartet, Emerald City Quartet and Evergreen State Quartet. He now sings lead or tenor with Evergreen 3.
Cindy Welk
Alto / Tenor
Cindy is married to Brian Welk. They have two children who are both married and 5 grandkids. Cindy is a real estate agent with Windermere Real Estate in Lake Stevens. Besides singing, Cindy enjoys cooking, entertaining, fishing, camping, and traveling. One of her greatest joys is spending time with her grandkids. Cindy and Brian have had opportunity to travel on numerous overseas missions trip which usually incorporate construction as well as ministry aspects. One of her favorite trips was to West Africa for a month when they took both their kids and built a kitchen for the missionaries. Cindy learned to harmonize sitting by her mom in church. Cindy primarily sings alto or tenor.
Maria Barr
Maria is married to Martin Barr. They have four children, 3 boys and a girl. Maria’s husband and her son work at Boeing, her second son is in college and works at Macy's and their third son recently joined the military. Their daughter is a senior in high school who hopes to become a doctor. Maria works as a sales clerk at The White House and Black Market at the Marysville Outlet Mall. Maria speaks 4 languages fluently and enjoys spending time with her extended family in Canada. Maria grew up singing with her brother and sisters and had opportunity to travel the entire United States and Canada to sing in competitions. Maria sings soprano but also has the ability to sing harmony parts as well.

Testimonials / Reviews

What are others saying about Evergreen 3?

"I have listened to your new CD and I LOVE it!!  I am not disappointed at all.  Hope you can come to Lynden again – ASAP!!  …God’s blessing to you.”

- Mary and Bob E. 

"Thank you for your new CD.  It is truly amazing and you all sound wonderful.  I’ve been searching for some sort of encouragement lately, and to be honest every single song on here has blessed me and encourage me in some way.  I thank God for all three of you (and Martin too J) and the ministry you are doing…”

- Samantha I.

“My soul is soaring, my ears are tuned to harmonious perfection, and my eyes are leaking.  Thank you for the beautiful music CD…”

- Sharon J. 


Evergreen 3 News & Updates

is now connected with The Widow’s Project, a non-profit organization that offers services and supports to the widowed in our community.

A portion of the proceeds of all table sales will be donated to The Widow’s Project


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